Since a child Clive had a dream of owning an American Big Rig - one day that dream became a reality!
In 2011 Clive realised his childhood dream and purchased his first American Truck
A wet afternoon, in between jobs, in a hotel room in Norway saw me trawling through you tube videos of American Trucks. I then came across some ads for Trucks for sale in the USA.
To cut a long story short and after checking their Web Site and my bank balance I bought my first Kenworth on 5th June 2011!
My childhood dream had come true - A shiny Kenworth W900L Aerodyne sitting on my driveway having made the journey from Pikeville Tennesse U.S.A. to New York U.K!
January 2013 and another Kenworth W900L was parked on the drive! this time from Fort Worth, Texas. With a longer chassis and fitted with an ICT sleeper and all the luxuries I could want - everything including the kitchen sink!
As far as I know the first two American trucks in the U.K. in matching livery.
I was tired of travelling worldwide, away for weeks at a time and living out of a suitcase i had to find a way to be able to keep my trucks,
A few beers at a local village event and a charity auction of promise for a good cause was to blame for the first American Truck Driving Experience we did and the rest is history!
Since that first Driving Experience day in 2016 the fleet of trucks has grown to include Kenworth and Peterbilt. We have added a V8 Ford F650 Pick Up to the fleet for the Younger Petrol heads amongst us to drive - and lots of older ones enjoy it too!
A Skoolie and a Monster Truck have also been added to the fleet - watch this space for the next venture!!